On 29-30 November 2020, Diving
and Planting coral reefs Training was held for Potential SAR (Search and
Rescue), where this activity was attended by GGI SCUBA, SAR UNHAS, SAR UNM, SAR
K3, KSR PMI Sakura, SAR Pemuda, SAR Muhammadiyah, SAR Scouts, SAR Makassar
Rescue, and SAR Bosowa which are members of the Makassar City SAR Potential
Community Forum, South Sulwesi, which is being held on Samalona Island.
In this activity, the GGI SCUBA Team became Diving Trainers and Instructors in this activity, where the GGI Scuba team trained skills and improved the skills of potential SAR workers in the field of underwater rescue, in this case, diving. Apart from being an Instructor and Trainer, GGI SCUBA also contributed as a sponsor by borrowing diving/SCUBA equipment for this activity.
The diving was carried out in the
waters of Samalona Island at a depth of 7-10 meters with sandy bottom
conditions, and coral transplantation was carried out at 5 meters near the
lighthouse spot.
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