Marine Dimensions of SAR (Search and Rescue) UNHAS


Take a photo before going diving (SAR UNHAS Documentation)

    December 20, 2023. SAR (Search and Rescue) UNHAS carries out Basic Education, where one of the series of activities is marine dimensions, where prospective young members are given and taught diving knowledge and techniques for the search needs of victims at sea.

Practices Installation of diving equipment (SAR UNHAS Documentation)

    The Marine dimensions activities are carried out on Laelae Island, where participants are given material regarding the introduction of diving equipment, installation, and diving practices in the waters of Laelae Island. In its implementation, GGI SCUBA sent Mudasir Zainuddin as an instructor and support for the diving equipment needed for basic education.

Beach Entry going to dive spot (SAR UNHAS Documentation)

    This diving training took place from 10:00 AM until 4:15 PM, so all Basic education participants at Marine Dimensions had the same opportunity to apply the use of diving equipment, and the participants could enjoy the dive.

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